Two different time periods to show this one at night one during the day.
Start with a blank screen as piano starts to play.
Consider adding in an alarm sound - not required though.
Parallel starts here- show an above shot of the guy waking up, cut to a side shot of him sitting on the side of his bed.
Possibly reach for a framed photo of him and his girlfriend or look at his phone background wallpaper.
Repeat with girl, show her in bed passed out, wakes up rubbing her face.
Show them walking out of the door at the same time, split screen.
Fade out to black - could possibly insert title now of simple white font on a black screen. Fade text in then out, you could fade back into them fully dressed or getting ready, the girl will have the same photo of her and the guy on her mirror.
When getting ready show a teddy on the side, guy finds it, picks it up and moves it smiling. When the girl is getting ready the teddy could be on her desk, this links to the fact the teddy was once hers.
You could also do a freeze frame of their faces saying starring etc.
Phone call to add in dialogue so it doesn't look like a trailer. The girl calls the guy in the past so we don't ever see him answer the phone even though she appears to be talking to someone.
They will now walk out of each of their houses but as split screen, they cross a street, he adjust his coat she pulls her top down.
They both enter the shop, he leaves with flowers, she leaves with vodka. They both cross the road he looks to cross, she doesn't. He glances at his phone picture again.
Cut music fades.
Cut to him appearing at the graveyard and laying flowers on the girls grave it is now obvious that she is dead. Cut to screen saying two years earlier and that will begin the rest of the film.
Possibilities for music if not restricted by copyright -
Kansas Dust in the wind
Slipknot Vermilion part 1 and 2.