
Main Task Rough Cut.

Our teacher watched our rough cut, which allowed an outsider to view our film as an audience would for the first time. He was able to give use some ideas for improvements and guide us to complete our final version -

Door frame Laura shot too dark - Re shoot lighter.
Laura shop scene too far away, out of focus - Re shoot same distance.
Split screen needs to be the same distance away.
Split screen needs to be blended more subtly - Laura side too dark.
Transaction between car and graveyard - needs improving/better music.
Cut car headlight scene - add in smashing bottle.
Bottle - cut from Laura walking to close up of bottle smashing.
Bottle smashing could link to white flash.
Add in phone call after Laura looks at teddy - Nathan doesn't answer.
Nathan is supposed to wake up in the morning - yet his phone reads 12.30 ish.

In Evaluation we felt our Rough Cut was a good stepping stone to our final version and allowed us some feedback to develop our skills further, kind of like an early screening for a real film. We will also consider our target audience and get feedback from them aswell. We will add extra filming dates and be on schedule to finish by May.